Saturday, February 9, 2008

Loads of paperwork

The reason I haven't been writing much is I have loads of paper to complete before we go back to Russia. I have paperwork for our paperwork, if that is possible. This is stuff the judge needs from us to complete our adoption. I figured they had enough stuff on us, but they need more. I must say I wish I didn't have anymore to do because I have redone our dossier three times and that means about one inch of paper work each time. I need an attitude adjustment, but that may take some time, so my motto is just do it and don't think. Maybe that will work for a while, but in the real world.........

Anyway, the most common question we are getting is "hey, when are you going back?" And my most common answer is, "we are praying in March!" Things can change so quickly, and we are hopeful this will be true. I think I asked this question around five times in Russia and most of the time the same month was mentioned----March!

I think about Tatiana every day and pray for her in so many ways, but most of all for her to join us soon, so we can love her, care for her, and be her family.

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