Monday, July 14, 2008

Just Thinking

I was talking with my mom the other day and mentioning all the things Hannah is doing, and I realized at one point in this conservation how far she has come in a short amount of time. We just past our two months home with Hannah, and I am so amazed at how well she is fitting right in. We thought a lot of the running around and doing this and that would have to stop, but she loves doing it all. She came from living and seeing the same place for many years not going anywhere. We go here and there and everywhere and she is in her car seat just smiling and loving it. We have taken her to big parties with lots of kids and she just jumps right in. We will go swimming, to the playground, shopping, to the grocery store, gym, zoo, petting farms, and picking berries, and she is happy to do it all, but what a drastic change for her. I hope one day she can tell me if she really likes it all!

Hannah loves Winnie-the-Pooh. This is the only video she will watch, and has decided to bring these characters alive in her own life. If she needs to use the restroom while we are out, the first thing she will say while entering the restroom is "is there anyone home?" No one has yet to answer her question. Another funny thing she does (which are many) when she is trying new food for first time and she doesn't like it she will say "Tiggers don't like honey!" One other thing that I think is so precious, if I tell her she has to go put her shoes away or bush her teeth, her comment is always the same, "Oh bother."

I am going to put some new video of her on my blog soon. We made a big switch in our computer and went to a Mac. I love it but, I'm still getting use to this computer. Thanks for checking in. I can't remember these stories when I'm talking with family or friends, so I see such a benefit to blogging these funny or precious stories. One day Hannah can read about this and realize how perfect she was meant for our family. She has definitely spiced things up around here, but not too spicy she can't handle it (food that is)!

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