Friday, January 4, 2008

Cold Brrrrrrr......

Well, on the east coast this week it has been very cold. So cold that when I went out running the other day, I came back with a frozen face and couldn't move my frozen jaw for a long time. Now, how am I going to survive in frozen Russia? I'm planning to wear everything I own (of any warmth) on my body, so I can look just like the boy in the movie "The Christmas Story", but I will be warm! I'm cold here all the time and when Scott's does a fire at night, I can stand there for hours just trying to get warm. At least we will not be directly in Siberia where the temperture is -oh my gosh= compare to Voronezh -oh my.

Sleep is a beautiful thing. One thing we are not getting a lot of here. Not due to anything else but lots of stuff on our minds. The body is tired, but the mind is wide awake! I am getting a good every third day rest(exhaustion), but in between, its rough. Scott is doing about the same, so we said this morning, we need to try and get to bed early and sleep.

Another unexpected occurrence, I miss Tatiana and I don't even know her. I looked at her picture this morning and told her how much I miss her. It's wonderful how God prepares our heart for someone so precious and gives us that desire. I think its the same as knowing Jesus. I have never seen Him, but know him and desire to have Him in my heart.

"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4


Nate said...

Hey Sheldons!! Great to see you in the blogosphere and thanks for that great sound clip. :) We'll be keeping you guys in our thoughts and prayers while your family makes this new transition by adding a new member. Blesssings to you!
Peace <><

Connie Almony said...

I always need a reason for a good cry. Your YouTube videos did it for me today!!! Thanks for those. Know that we are praying for you and your family, including Tatiana!!! This is good news indeed. We can't wait to meet her.

The Almonys

mdmomof7 said...

Congratulations Sheldons! We didn't know of your upcoming joyous event until I got the email from church. How exciting! Our neighbors adopted two children, as infants, from Russia. Their son Alex is 12 and their daughter Christina is 10. If you'd like to get in touch w/ them, let me know. :-)

Tatiana is a beautiful name! How old is she? Isn't it wonderful that He has given you that love for her and you haven't even seen her or held her yet! We will pray for all your documents to come in on time, restful sleep for everyone, and smooth travel. As a funny aside, I am always cold too and I recently got a pair of lambswool lined clogs and they make all the difference! Somehow if my feet are warm, the rest of me is warm too. LL Bean has some insulated shoes too. Drop me a note and I'll tell you which ones work best! lol!!!

The children really enjoyed the videos and had some interesting comments. Thanks for sharing them.

All His abundant blessings. What a terrific way to start the new year!

Hugs! Dahna