Saturday, January 5, 2008

Not so Bad......

I have had so many of you either leave comments or email or talk with us about our journey, and it has been completely comforting to know you are praying for us. Some of you have asked about the Russian Orphan video at the bottom our blog, and this is from missionaries that go to Russian orphanages and minister to these children. The statistics are terrible, but very true. I can only say that our hearts will be open to see what God will do in the future for a ministry such as this. I think Tatiana would love to help us do it too!

I am involved with this huge group (chat group) of families that are adopting from Russia. Our adoption agency has it set up and it's people from all around the world. It is so encouraging and we talk about everything concerning our adoptions. It's a great way to pray for each other, express our feelings, and hear how others have done things before us. Well, I put out some questions the other day about what can I bring to help bond Tatiana and us for our first time together. And this wonderful group had lots of ideas and one of them we did today. We went to Build-A-Bear and Luke picked out a bear to give to Tatiana. We also put a recording inside of the bear with each of us saying "I love you Tatiana" and ending with "We love you Tatiana." Scott and I got so emotional we almost didn't make it out of the store. We also got her a blanket to give her so she can sleep with it until we go back to bring her home. Very emotional day! It made it so real!

I love your encouraging comments, my heart feels lighter because of them.

Upward Basketball started yesterday and it was so much fun. Scott is coaching Luke's team and they did really good today. There are around 1000 children involved this year. It's a wonderful community ministry, and I believe it shows the kids that in all we do, including sports, honoring God is number one!

Our blog is mostly about our adoption, but as Scott and I were talking about it today, we are constantly thanking the One who is blessing us with Tatiana, for He is the one who made this all happen, not us, not our adoption agency, not Russia, they and we were just instruments of His greater picture.

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us. 1John3:1

1 comment:

My Open Nest said...

What an exciting time in your life. I'll be praying for you and your new daugther.

Dana O'Sullivan