Thursday, January 3, 2008

The innocence of childhood

Sometimes during Luke's bedtime, he likes to talk about his day at school, so last night he told us a little story the happened that day. He said his teacher asked him besides praying for your family's adoption what else could we do for you. Well, Luke thought about this and told his class the they could bring in all the toys they don't play with anymore for Tatiana. And one boy told him, I have tons of toys I don't play with anymore, I could bring those in. So, Scott and I got a big chuckle about this, and told Luke that was very sweet, but we are thinking more about what we can give to her orphanage and their needs, not so much here. It's very true that his sister has nothing not even the clothes on her back are hers. On our second trip, we will be bringing her clothes to wear out of the orphanges the day we bring her home. They have one book in her orphanage we were told she likes to read everyday. This is so hard to imagine with all the things we have here in the US. Luke has enough toys for twenty children, at least.

I will leave you with this one thought from one of my favorite song: Rock of Ages.......
Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to the cross I cling, Rock of Ages Cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee.

Listen to Logan's video and hear this thirteen year old boy who lives on a ranch in Nebraska when he called in to a christian radio station one day. How true!

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